How was your first week back doing the school/work/family/after school activities/exercise/me time/cooking dinner/washing clothes/ironing juggling act 😳
It was exhausting just typing that list of all the things us mums and dads try and fit into a week and this is only a condensed list of the many things we juggle. Yesterday during the REFRESH launch I received a number of messages from mums saying they had purchased a bottle of REFRESH to use on school uniforms. I have asked them to share with me their laundry routine and results once they receive their bottle of spray and I can’t wait to share how mum’s are incorporating REFRESH into their daily/weekly laundry routine and making life a little bit easier for themselves.
I am also currently working on a new laundry routine for our family to try and further reduce our ironing pile and the number of garments which we iron each week. With some recent research into washing machine cycles and spin speeds I am confident that with the help of REFRESH I am going to be able to find a growing number of garments in our house that I will simply be able to spray instead of iron which I am super excited about.
I promise to share all that I learn and any tips I discover along the way and I hope that if you have purchased a bottle of REFRESH that you feel comfortable doing the same and together we can tackle making our ironing pile each week smaller and easier to manage.