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Melodee Miller


A few months ago I started this little ironing business because we needed the money, I had applied for 32 local jobs and had not received even a single interview. So mum survival mode kicked in and STEAM was created.

I didn't know where this little venture would lead or if I would even like ironing for other people, I just knew I was good at ironing and the bank account was getting low.

A few months on and many many many baskets of ironing later I can truly say hand on heart I am absolutely loving it. But the one thing I am especially loving is the community we are creating.

The amazing mums I have met over the last few months and the mums I have reconnected with, all of these people I am now lucky enough to chat and check in with at our weekly drop off and pick up.

I have held babies while mum rushes around to do a couple of last minute things, played with puppies, helped keep a families ironing basket empty around hospital night shifts, ironed school uniforms for a mum with a broken leg, chatted with a teachers students while delivering her ironing to her classroom and been welcomed into a family so much so that I now have a house key so I can drop off and pick up ironing as needed.

But above all of this we have talked, talked as mum's, wives, friends, sounding boards and sources of ideas and inspiration.

Mum's connecting as only mum's can, supporting, listening, cheering, venting and sharing. Being a mum is tough and these mum's, my clients, have helped fill my cup each week, and I dearly hope I have done a little of the same for them. Be it a smile, a baby cuddle, kind word, puppy pats, a hug or a simple thank you these women have helped me create a community which makes my heart sing.

Communities are built around lots of different things, a sporting team, school, having kids the same age, having similar interests, but this little community we are creating is built around an ironing basket, around the warm fuzzy feeling you get when you help someone and really connect with genuine kind hearted people.

I am so grateful for this little business and the many wonderful people I have met so far on this journey. Whoever thought a simple basket of ironing could achieve so much.

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